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Complete Meaningful Use Support

Click on the Services Links below for more detail and to sign-up for services!


The Meaningful Use Compliance support services we provide have one aim in mind: to help the provider and the practice to achieve compliance with meaningful use Stages 1 and 2, and receive their incentive money.

For information on the new Meaningful Use Final Rule, go to Meaningful Use Final Rule.


E2O Health will provide remote Meaningful Use Support to clients to achieve the following deliverables:

  • A dedicated Meaningful Use expert will be assigned to the practice.
  • The Meaningful Use expert will create a plan and set goals for Meaningful Use compliance.
  • Initial hurdles for meeting compliance on the individual Meaningful Use measures will be identified and eliminated.
  • Monthly checkups will be performed with the practice representative to ensure Meaningful Use compliance and any issues identified that are preventing success will be addressed.
  • Practice may call us any time for any Meaningful Use questions and support.
  • An annual HIPAA Privacy and Security Risk Assessment to meet the Meaningful Use requirement will be conducted and documented via E2O Health’s online compliance portal HIPAA Watchdog.
  • Required attestation guidance and support for a timely attestation will be provided.
  • Documentation for a Meaningful Use audit will be saved. Meaningful Use audit support will be provided when needed.
  • Practice will receive one year subscription to online HIPAA compliance and training service to document and guide ongoing security efforts. 
  • Stage 2 support is $2000 for one year for one provider, $700 for each additional provider in the practice for attestation assistance.
  • Stage 1 support is $1500 for one year for one provider, $500 for each additional provider in the practice for attestation assistance.

Meaningful Use Services

Click on the Links below for more detail and to sign-up for services!

Complete resolution of one Meaningful Use issue per clinicThe MU Compliance support services we provide have one aim in mind: to help the provider and the practice to achieve compliance with meaningful use Stages 1 and 2 and receive their incentive money.







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      Tel: (800) 409-0096
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